The Cir­cle

von Dave Eg­gers, 2013

Ein packen­der, zum Nach­den­ken an­re­gen­der Zu­kunfts­ro­man. Oder müss­ten wir sa­gen: Ge­gen­warts­ro­man? Wer sich tie­fer für die an­ge­spro­che­nen tech­ni­schen und po­li­ti­schen Zu­sam­men­hän­ge in­ter­es­siert, dem/der emp­feh­le ich z.B. Data and Go­li­ath von Bruce Schnei­er.

«Mer­cer, the Cir­cle is a group of peo­p­le like me. Are you say­ing that so­mehow we’­re all in a room so­me­whe­re, watching you, plan­ning world do­mi­na­ti­on?»
«No. First of all, I know it’s all peo­p­le like you. And that’s what’s so sca­ry. In­di­vi­du­al­ly you don’t know what you’­re do­ing coll­ec­tively. But se­cond­ly, don’t pre­su­me the bene­vo­lence of your lea­ders. For ye­ars the­re was this hap­py time when tho­se con­trol­ling the ma­jor in­ter­net con­duits whe­re ac­tual­ly de­cent en­ough peo­p­le. Or at least they we­ren’t pre­da­to­ry and ven­geful. But I al­ways worried, what if so­meone was wil­ling to use this power to pu­nish tho­se who chal­len­ged them?»

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