von Dave Eggers, 2013
Ein packender, zum Nachdenken anregender Zukunftsroman. Oder müssten wir sagen: Gegenwartsroman? Wer sich tiefer für die angesprochenen technischen und politischen Zusammenhänge interessiert, dem/der empfehle ich z.B. Data and Goliath von Bruce Schneier.
«Mercer, the Circle is a group of people like me. Are you saying that somehow we’re all in a room somewhere, watching you, planning world domination?»
«No. First of all, I know it’s all people like you. And that’s what’s so scary. Individually you don’t know what you’re doing collectively. But secondly, don’t presume the benevolence of your leaders. For years there was this happy time when those controlling the major internet conduits where actually decent enough people. Or at least they weren’t predatory and vengeful. But I always worried, what if someone was willing to use this power to punish those who challenged them?»